Create RSS Feed for Yandex Zen

Create RSS feeds for your website to attract subscribers and content distribution.

The free plan allows you to run up to 3 generation requests per day.


✔ Basic set-up options  
✔ Up to 10 feed entries  
✔ 14-day URL & widget

Switch to:

Dynamic RSS Feed from $1.50/Mo
✔ Up to 50 feed entries   ✔ Full set-up & Management   ✔ Auto updates   ✔ Hosted feed URL & widget

Free Online RSS Generator

Processing settings: General settings are used by default. Click to view or change settings.

URL Search Pattern for Entries

The search pattern allows you to specify which links from the source URL should be crawled and published to the feed.
In the search pattern, you can use the path and the wildcard *, which means any sequence of characters. http://website.tld/ (For Example: blog/* or articles/*.html) ! If no search pattern is specified, crawled links will be selected automatically.

Crawler Settings

Turbo mode through proxy servers Crawler mode and identify: Browser language:

Crawl Options

Don't crawl content marked as noindex Don't crawl links marked as nofollow Handle canonicalization tags and exclude non-canonical pages

Generation Settings

Limit number of feed entries: File encoding:

Set up UTM tracking

Add UTM tracking code to the URLs

Channel Settings

Add RSS feed title Add RSS feed description Indicate update date based on Administrator email address: RSS feed logo:

Items Settings

Include title Include description Include enclosure image Include publication date based on Default author name: Default category:
MySitemapGenerator Click one of the links that matches the required entries

Links that match the specified pattern:



What is a Yandex Zen?
Yandex-Zen is a platform for selecting and distributing interesting content from web publishers and bloggers provided by Yandex. To include content in Yandex-Zen, you need to provide an XML feed that is based on RSS, which includes the full text of the articles and a list of related media files.